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Twangs are for accents not backs

There’s so much positive to say about this mini summer vacation long weekend we just had, but all I can think about is this:


Yes, yes I did do that.

We had a full and happy weekend. Part of it was spent in the endless pursuit of beautifying a backyard that, frankly, just needs a pool in it to be perfect. Our efforts involved a lot of planting and moving rocks.

Because I have zero ability to wait for better-qualified people – read stronger – to do things, I tried to lift a large bucket of gravel. Without bending properly at the knees. While twisted sideways, because at the same time I was also checking that PG had her bike helmet on. Stupid.

Seconds after lifting I felt a distinct twanging coming from my lower back…and then the pain set in. I took painkillers, rubbed a magic ointment on, and continued gardening. I am nothing if not stubborn when focused on a goal. My goal >>> to put the dozens of plants I bought into the soil in a 48-hour window. Don’t ask.

That was Sunday morning. Sunday evening I had PG at the barn for a practice run in preparation for her first horse show. Monday we were up at 5:45 to get to the horse show.

The good news:

  1. Movement helps – I got a lot of it at the barn. Also I’ve been doing this spinal flossing stretching thing. Trust me when I say that it looks as weird as it sounds.
  2. Aleve is now my friend. Just don’t drink a vodka/San Pellegrino Pompelmo afterwards no matter how thirsty you are nor how delicious it is.

The great news:

  1. PG entered three classes at the horse show and came home with a red and blue ribbon in her jumping classes.
  2. We have a natural equestrian on our hands.

The scary news:

  1. This will cost us a fortune.
  2. Our pool may be on hold indefinitely.

The moral —- I will still race Sunday.

Her winning round. Much better pic than seeing a hobbling woman.